15 Jan 10

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Web Texas Hold’em has grabbed the planet by force in the past few years. In case you have been on the moon, we are going to get you caught up to speed with the world of net texas holdem poker. I’m going to suppose that you’ve got a basic knowledge of the game of texas holdem and just talk about the variations comprising net and real world texas holdem.

There are several significant differences between web hold’em and the hold’em you’ve enjoyed for a long time at your buddies place. First and foremost, there are no tells in net poker. Secondly, the program interface is truly the most vital features in net poker. And finally, you are able to always locate a web game.

What happened to all of the tells?

There are many folks that will tell you that there are still tells in internet poker. I don’t believe this one bit. They will say that if someone bets fast or leisurely, you’ll be able to acquire a feel for their play. Well, how about web connections? If someone has a slow net pipe, they will play intermittently. Meaning, every now and then bet slow and sometimes wager right away. This just isn’t reliable enough, so there are no tells in web holdem.

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